Tuesday, January 19, 2010

'Cause I Got A Golden Ticket

I have officially been hired by the Center for Advanced Technology in Education (CATE) on a 18+ month grant project. This is a sub-group in the College of Education at the University of Oregon. I was speaking to the leader of the project about the status of my PhD application and the fact that I want to apply for a Graduate Teaching Fellowship, so I might not be able to stay on the project through completion. She said that when I get accepted into the program she will change my job classification and make me a GTF for CATE. That means I get free tuition and a small stipend! Hello, free ride! I won't need to compete for the GTF because I already have the job! I feel like I'm explaining this wrong because it doesn't sound as fantastic as it feels. This job is going to give me an advantage for getting into the PhD program and then it's going to pay for the freaking program!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. When do you begin? I'm so glad everything is going your way. Including our scrabble game :D
