Sunday, November 22, 2009


This week my Weight Watchers assignment is to meditate on what I'm thankful for besides food. This holiday in particular is all about food, so what can I focus on instead? The mental exercise is to "fill your plate" with all the things you're grateful for and then there will be less need to fill up the "empty space" with food. Get it? Corny, yes. Effective?

Everybody says family first, and I am thankful for my family, but that's pretty generic. Specifically, I am very thankful that my new living situation has freed up my mental and emotional energy to be loving to Griffin and Molly. Our relationship has been renewed. That means I'm very thankful that my parents are in the position financially and emotionally to support the three of us right now. We're a handful on both fronts.

I am immensely thankful that I was unable to find a job when I was frantically flailing around for one. Taking a year off to focus on me has been long overdue. I should have done it a long time ago. I was so busy driving myself forward that I never took any time to figure out what road I should be on. I am thankful that things are coming into focus in my heart and mind. I am beginning to see the woman that I want to be and the steps needed to get to her.

I'm thankful to Robert for dumping me. It was the final blow that made me say, "Enough!" I'm thankful to Cory and Terry for being my cheerleaders. I'm thankful to Stephanie for being my indefatigable guru. I'm thankful to Karin and Misty for being my down-to-Earth reminders to just be regular folk. And I'm very thankful to every one of you who has read this blog and sent me ideas and/or encouragement! I hear you and I take every message to heart!

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago, I bought SATees for my kids (yes, I'm a nerd). For my son, I bought one that said, "Gregarious." For my chatty daughter Amelia: "Loquacious." And for my non-stop daughter Tobie: "Indefatigable."
    It's a hard word to say - but I'll take it.
    I'm glad everything is starting to line up in order to fall into place.
